Opening hours 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM PST

It’s always a good idea to do a car inspection. You can never know when something is wore out or broken in your car. That being said, it’s particularly essential to have a car checked before going on a long trip, for example going on vacations, and before buying an used car.

Before a long road trip it is fundamental to do a deep inspection to avoid any malfunctions of any kind that could lead to an accident, could leave you stuck in the middle of a long route or even having to give your car to an unknown and untruthful mechanic that could overcharge you or leave it in a worst state that before. You always have to put your safety first, let NspectACar to take care of everything and save yourself from having a bad time in those circumstances.

If you’re planning on buying an used car you need to make an inspection to know what you are getting. The seller could tell you about a few of the problems that the car has and avoiding to tell another ones, maybe maliciously or just because he’s not aware of that. In any case NspectACar would give you a detailed report on the complete state of the care and the price to fix its problems and malfunctions. This could save you a lot of money in the car deal.

Call 206 578 6425