Opening hours Every day 8am 6pm PST

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Ensure your car’s optimal performance by booking a service today. Our hassle-free appointments make it easy to find a convenient time. Trust our expert technicians for reliable and efficient care.

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      Cancellation Policy:

      Our 100-point vehicle inspection process takes only a few hours.
      If you want to get precise inspection report quickly, you can ensure that you are scheduling an appointment in advance.
      Our support team is always available to manage the booking process and leaves our customers in a stress-free environment.

      About Cancellation:

      Here at Nspectacar, we are dedicated to offering high-quality and precise inspection service. In an instant, if you are unable to make the appointment, you are recommended to reschedule.
      Our scheduling process is very important, so kindly respect our mechanics and their time.

      • The cancellation for your bookings must be received earlier. Kindly contact our support team through online to notify them of your cancellation request.

      Important Note: Customers will be charged $35.00 for cancellations

      • Most significantly, all of your money will be refunded immediately except for cancellation fee of about $35.00
      • Nspectacar has all the rights to move or change your booking because of some unforeseen circumstances.

      Kindly read the above cancellation policy carefully and properly. When you decide to book our vehicle inspection service online, ensure that you read the cancellation policy and agree to the above conditions and you can also verify it.

      Call 206 578 6425